
ethics in machine intelligence

A featured excerpt from The Mathematical Corporation by Josh Sullivan and Angela Zutavern.

In their new book, The Mathematical Corporation, Sullivan and Zutavern explore how company leaders can prepare for and accelerate the transformation to a new corporate model.

They do have a privileged view of the forces that will produce a mature mathematical corporation.







focus on 6 things to be a success

Things you need to focus on if you’re going to be a success.
Success doesn’t just happen.

why love should start within us

humanity leadership

If we don’t recognize the importance on human engagement, human communication, human development, we will not have a business – or, for that matter, anyone to lead.

It starts with 5 universal principles.



keep trying

courage is always around


Place a higher emphasis recently on journaling .

It has benefits:
  • It relieves stress
  • It helps with problem solving
  • It helps with creativity
What should we write about?
  • Thank
  • Learn
  • Connect
This is known as "TLC". (Thanking, Learning, Connecting) are important. The more you do them, the better you’ll become — at whatever it is you’re doing.